(1) When choosing a store name, do not use sensitive words such as China, India, Chinese place names, and Official Store.
(2) The email address is very important. After the seller registers, all communications and exchanges between the Paytm Mall platform and the seller will be conducted through the registered email address. It should be noted that it is best not to use an employee’s personal email address to register (employee resignation will result in a change of email address). Try to prepare a dedicated registration email address.
(3) The contact person and contact number are very important. It is best to have a person specifically responsible for the Paytm Mall project. The phone number must be accessible to facilitate official or investment agent contact.
(4) An enterprise can register multiple stores, but it is recommended not to register too many, because Paytm Mall has few restrictions on sellers’ stores, and one store can sell all categories.
(5) After the seller registers, Paytm Mall will review the seller’s qualifications (whether the company’s industrial and commercial registration information is correct). After the review is completed, the seller will generally receive an email confirming the successful registration within 1 to 3 working days. At this time, the seller can log in to the seller center backend and set a password.