(1) Click “Upload Product” and select the category of the product to be uploaded.
Clicking a category will display the sub-categories. Select the last category and click “Next” to proceed to the next step.
(2) Fill in the product title and detailed information. The red * indicates required options.
The filling requirements are as follows:
Product Title: Written in English, with 3 to 100 characters, and a space equals one letter. Please do not use special characters, as they are not conducive to searching. Do not add size and other specification values after the name, as the system will automatically generate them. For example, a piece of clothing has different sizes. When a buyer clicks on a size when purchasing, the size specification will be automatically displayed in the title.
The complete product name includes: brand + number of items included in each order (for description list) + material + shape + category keywords + system default additions (color and size).
Seller Item (the seller’s own product SKU code): The SKU code is convenient for sellers to manage and is not displayed to buyers. It is recommended that sellers have their own product codes, such as A-0001, B0001, etc.
Description (basic description of the product): written in English, within 140 characters, 3 to 5 lines of phrases are recommended, listing the functions, participating promotions, selling points and other information, and strive to let buyers roughly understand the main features of the product through this paragraph.
(3) Fill in the price of the product. The red * is a required option.
The filling requirements are as follows:
Settlement Amount: The price before commission is charged, only displayed in the backend. Currently, all commissions are waived, so sellers do not need to consider this.
Selling Price: The purchase price of the buyer (the average customer unit price of the platform is US$25), displayed on the front end, and all costs must be taken into account, including international logistics costs. Only one of the selling price and settlement price needs to be filled in, and the other will be automatically generated by the system.
Market Price: You can refer to the retail price in the market. This price must be higher than the selling price. The purpose is to generate a discount and make the product look more attractive.
Market Price: You can refer to the retail price in the market. This price must be higher than the selling price. The purpose is to generate a discount and make the product look more attractive.
Cost Price: It is convenient for sellers to record the cost of goods. It is not displayed on the front end.
Discount: It is the sales price divided by the market price. The system will automatically generate a discount.