When shopping on Amazon US, buyers often need to know the seller’s information in order to make a purchase decision. This article will introduce buyers how to view the seller’s information, including seller profile, seller rating, seller response, etc.
1. View the seller’s profile.
Every seller who sells products on Amazon has a seller profile, which contains the seller’s business information, policies, trademarks, and other important information. If buyers want to view the seller’s profile, they can follow the steps below:
First, find the seller’s information on the product page. Buyers can see the seller’s information in the upper right corner or lower right corner of the product page, including information such as the seller’s name, rating, and delivery time.
Then, click the seller’s name. This will take buyers to the seller’s seller profile page, where buyers can view the seller’s detailed information, including company name, contact information, trademarks, and policies. Ratings are buyers’ evaluations of sellers, which can help buyers understand other buyers’ evaluations of the seller’s shopping experience and service quality. To view seller ratings, follow these steps:
First, find the seller’s information on the product page and click the seller’s name to enter the seller’s profile page.
Then, find the seller rating on the seller profile page. Seller ratings are usually expressed in stars, and the higher the star rating, the better the service quality of the seller. Buyers can view the seller’s average rating and the specific comments of buyers on the seller.
In addition, buyers can click “View All Reviews” or a similar button to view more buyers’ comments and feedback on the seller.
2. View the seller’s response.
The seller’s response is the seller’s response to the buyer’s evaluation. It can show the seller’s explanation or solution to the buyer’s question or feedback. Understanding the seller’s response can help buyers understand the seller’s attitude and ability to deal with customer problems. To view the seller’s response, please follow the steps below:
First, find the review that the buyer is interested in on the seller’s review page. Usually, the review page will display the summary information of the buyer’s review, including the rating and comment content.
Then, find the seller’s response below the review. The seller’s response is usually displayed in text form below the buyer’s evaluation. Buyers can read the seller’s response to understand its response to the buyer’s question.
If the seller does not respond or responds in a timely manner, it may mean that the seller has a low level of customer care, and buyers can consider this factor in their purchase decisions.
By viewing the seller’s profile, seller ratings, and seller replies, buyers can have a more comprehensive understanding of the seller’s information and service quality. This information can help buyers make wise purchasing decisions and choose reliable and trustworthy sellers. During the shopping process, in addition to paying attention to the seller’s information, buyers are also advised to carefully read information such as product descriptions, user reviews, and return policies to ensure that buyers have a pleasant and satisfactory shopping experience.