It is essential for buyers to check reviews before purchasing a product online. Generally speaking, whether to buy or not depends on reviews. Good reviews can boost transactions for a product, while bad reviews can certainly easily dissuade buyers from purchasing the product. However, few customers are willing to leave reviews naturally, so many sellers will leave reviews themselves, but the reviews they leave are easily deleted, so how to leave reviews? What should Amazon buyers pay attention to when leaving reviews?

1. Direct evaluation.

Direct reviews refer to reviews that buyers have not purchased the product but can leave directly. Just leave a comment and you can be evaluated directly. However, since October 2017, Amazon’s direct assessment removal rate has increased dramatically, reaching nearly 90%. According to research, the reasons why direct reviews are deleted are as follows:

1. The number of direct reviews of a product far exceeds the sales volume of the product and the number of reviews left after purchase.

2. The buyer who left the review is not an Amazon Prime member and the frequency of leaving reviews is too high.

3. The buyer who left the review was created with an Amazon gift card or virtual credit card; the buyer’s account does not comply with the Amazon platform rules.

4. An account can only comment on a product once. If you leave too much, it will naturally be deleted.

5. Buyers can submit 5 direct reviews per week, and the statistical time starts at 12 o’clock every Sunday.

6. There are too many messages for one product at the same time/short time.

7. The comments left by buyers do not comply with the rules of the Amazon platform.

2. VP evaluation.

In Amazon’s ranking formula, a product’s turnover and conversion rate are very important. Because of this, for Amazon, VP reviews are definitely more important among reviews, but how can a listing that has just been launched get VP reviews? advertising. Find facebook celebrities. Asking foreign relatives and friends for help is a way for sellers to obtain VP reviews, but Amazon also has certain rules for leaving messages:

1. Designated users are not allowed to post comments in the form of discounts, subsidies or discounts.

2. Buyers who leave comments cannot be asked to modify or delete comments through subsidies.

3. Users are not required to write positive reviews for themselves.

For this reason, sellers should pay attention to:

1. Do not let buyers purchase directly through product links, but let buyers search for the key and key to find the product. Or you can buy based on keywords.

2. The same buyer should not make multiple purchases in the same store within a short period of time.

3. After buyers receive the product, do not comment immediately, simulate using it for a few days before commenting on the effect of the product!

4. The buyer review rate is controlled between 20% and 30%. It should not exceed this ratio, otherwise it will be abnormal!

The above are some of the buyer reviews shared with sellers. I hope it will be helpful to sellers in improving store conversions. Lianlian Cross-Border Payment always pays attention to every little thing about sellers, and will also bring articles on related aspects in future articles to help sellers operate better.