If sellers on the wish platform want to make a profit, they need to understand the various rules of the platform in detail and operate their stores in accordance with the rules. So what are the push rules of wish? This will be introduced in detail below.

The push rules of the wish platform mainly include review requirements for product titles, pictures, labels, prices, etc. The specific contents are as follows:

1. Image processing. The product images uploaded by Wish sellers need to be square. The general size can be 800×800 or 600×600, which has better visual effect.

2. Title description. The description of the product title generally refers to the listing description. It needs to describe the product concisely and clearly, and extract the selling points of the product into the title.

3. Product price. Product prices need to be in line with market conditions and cannot be set too high. Generally speaking, products with higher cost-effectiveness are more likely to be promoted by the Wish platform. The platform’s best-selling products usually range in price from 15 to 30 US dollars.

4. Continuity of product optimization. If sellers want to get more traffic, they should pay attention to the continuity of product optimization. If the seller’s products continue to be updated, the platform will think that the seller has been maintaining them. If the seller performs operations such as logging in, logging out, shipping, and withdrawing money every day, the wish platform will generally add additional traffic weighting to the seller.

5. Continuously track and optimize product data. Sellers need to analyze the data performance of the product, compare it with the same product of competitors, conduct research on the product, and find product optimization points.

The Wish platform generally matches products based on their titles, pictures and tags. If the seller’s initial traffic conversion is not good, the possibility of being pushed may be reduced. The seller’s account needs to be logged in continuously, and at the same time, the product needs to be placed in order to attract more traffic push from the Wish platform. Generally, Wish will inspect the product to decide whether to allocate traffic. Therefore, if sellers want to receive traffic allocation, they need to ensure that their products and services maintain excellent levels.

The above content has introduced the push rules of wish in detail. Sellers need to carefully understand the rules of the platform and improve the conversion rate of products, because low product conversion rates will cause the information captured by the system to change. Less, which in turn leads to a lower probability of push.