With more and more sellers on the wish platform, there are more and more rules. The platform will impose different fines and penalties on sellers for various violations. So how to collect wish fine? This will be introduced in detail below.

Under normal circumstances, after a seller receives a fine notice from the Wish platform, the platform will directly deduct the fine fee from the seller’s account. When Wish fines are collected, the platform will generally calculate all the fees, advances and fines that the seller needs to pay based on the US dollar and the local currency specified in the account payment settings.

If a seller fails to pay the fine on time after being notified of a fine, the reputation of the store will be affected, which will adversely affect the seller’s subsequent store operations. However, if the seller has objections to the fine, he or she can also appeal directly to the platform.

wish’s fine system mainly includes the following types:

1. Modified products. If the seller directly replaces the original product with a new one, the product will generally be deleted and a fine of $20 will be imposed.

2. Contraband. If the product sold by the seller is prohibited and violates the relevant policies, the seller will generally be fined $10.

3. Misleading products. If a seller’s product is found to be misleading and there are orders within the previous 30 days, the seller will be fined $200.

4. Brushing orders. If the seller increases the acquisition rate, click-through rate, etc. by brushing orders, the seller will be fined 100% of the order amount, plus a fine of US$100 for a single order.

After an order on Wish is fined, if there is a misjudgment, the seller needs to find out the reason for the misjudgment. Generally, the reasons can be found from complaints, product titles, pictures, etc. Sellers need to provide practical solutions to the platform when making appeals, and the solutions must be reasonable and implementable. Sellers need to speak fluently and have clear logic when making appeals. At the same time, they need to provide clear evidence and make their appeals concisely and clearly to promote the success of the appeal.

The above content has introduced in detail how to collect fines on Wish. Sellers need to note that fines on the Wish platform generally do not need to be paid by the sellers themselves. They are usually deducted directly from the seller’s account balance, so sellers need to Make sure there is a certain balance in the account in case of emergencies.