The wish platform has many rules. If the seller has problems with his logistics, he may be fined or punished by the platform. At this time, the seller can lodge a complaint with the platform. So what are the key points in writing a Wish Logistics Complaint Improvement Sample? This will be introduced in detail below.
Sellers need to follow the following points when writing a letter of appeal:
1. Clarify the reasons for the violation. Sellers generally need to clarify the reasons for violations before appealing. Common reasons include infringement, logistics, product inconsistency, and delayed delivery. Generally, infringement fines will be controversial. If the fine amount is relatively large, the seller will need to appeal.
2. Clarify the logic of the appeal. The seller first needs to clarify whether the punishment is a misjudgment by the platform. If so, the seller needs to find out the cause of the misjudgment, which can generally be determined from product pictures, titles, etc. When writing a complaint letter, the seller needs to have clear and definite logic and a reasonable description of the entire complaint process. In addition, the seller needs to control the language and try to make the text as smooth as possible.
3. Proficient in using translation software. After the seller understands the specific reasons for the penalty, he or she needs to translate the letter into English after writing the text of the complaint letter. Generally, this can be translated through commonly used translation software, such as Google Translate.
The key points of writing Wish Logistics Complaint Improvement Sample are as follows:
1. Sellers need to verify the reasons for violations one by one, mainly providing screenshots of logistics information.
2. When appealing, you need to take the initiative to admit your mistakes, try to find other reasons, and avoid blaming yourself.
3. The seller needs to explain the reasons for the violation one by one for each order and attach a screenshot.
4. Later, the seller needs to propose his own improvement measures for the violations, and needs to use specific data, percentages, etc. to explain the improvement results.
5. Sellers can emphasize that their store is a vertical store or an overseas warehouse seller, and they need to ensure that they will not make the same mistake again in the future.
The above content has provided a detailed introduction to the Wish Logistics Complaint Improvement Sample. If there is a problem with the seller’s logistics, it will generally result in the store being punished by the platform, and it will also have an impact on the store’s subsequent operations. Therefore, the seller needs to promptly Complaining to the platform and taking timely measures to improve will be beneficial to the long-term development of the store.