Card reader requirements and supported payment methods

To use tap, chip, and swipe card readers, you need to meet the following requirements:

Your store needs to be located in the United States, United Kingdom, or Ireland .

You need to activate Shopify Payments as your payment provider.

You need to be running Shopify POS 5.15 or higher.

You need a compatible iOS device.

The Shopify POS app is available for the following devices:

Device Description iPhone 5s or newer running iOS 12 or newer iPad Air 2nd generation or newer running iOS 12 or newer Newer devices iPad 5th generation or newer devices running iOS 12 or later iPad mini 2nd generation or newer devices running iOS 12 or later iPad Pro All iPad Pro machines running iOS 12 or later

Note: The Shopify POS app does not support iOS beta.

Tap, chip and swipe card readers are only available in the UK and Ireland and can only be used with the following compatible payment methods:

Payments accepted in the country Visa UK, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Android Pay Ireland Visa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Android Pay Note

Tap, chip and swipe card readers in the UK and Ireland do not support tap, chip and swipe card readers using Discover cards Or pay by card, but you can manually enter the customer’s card information.

Where to buy tap, chip, and swipe card readers

Tap, chip, and swipe card readers are only available in the Shopify Hardware Store in the UK and Ireland.

Card reader structure label name description 1 Bluetooth indicator mark The Bluetooth symbol is located in the upper left corner of the card reader screen 2 The USB port port is located in the center of the upper edge of the card reader 3 The power/sleep button button is located in the upper right corner of the upper edge of the card reader 4 Bluetooth button The button is located in the upper right corner above the card reader screen 5 Battery indicator icon The battery indicator icon is located in the upper right corner of the card reader screen 6 Accept button The button is located in the lower right corner of the card reader and is marked with a check mark 7 Clear button The button is located in the read In the center of the bottom of the card reader, marked with a left-direction arrow 8 Cancel button The button is located in the lower left corner of the card reader, marked with an X

Shopify merchant official website original details:

Card reader requirements and supported payment types

To use the Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader, you need to meet these requirements:

Your store needs to be based in the United States, United Kingdom, or Ireland.

You need to haveShopify Paymentsactivated as your payment provider.

You need running Shopify POS 5.15 or higher.

You need to be using a compatible iOS device.

The Shopify POS app works with the following devices:

DeviceDescriptioniPhoneiPhone 5s or better running iOS 12 or higheriPad AirGeneration 2 or better running iOS 12 or higheriPadGeneration 5 or better running iOS 12 or higheriPad miniGeneration 2 or higher running iOS 12 or higheriPad ProAll iPad Pro models running iOS 12 or higherNote

The Shopify POS app does not support iOS beta versions.

The Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader is available only in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and it can be used only with the following compatible payment types:

CountryAccepted paymentsUnited KingdomVisa, Mastercard, American Express, Apple Pay, Android PayIrelandVisa, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Android PayNote

The Tap, Chip, and Swipe reader in the The United Kingdom and Ireland doesn’t support tap, chip, or swipe payments for Discover cards, but you can enter the customer’s card informationmanually.

Where to buy the Tap, Chip, and Swipe reader< p>The Tap, Chip, and Swipe card reader is available only from the Shopify Hardware Store in the United Kingdom, andIreland.

Card reader anatomyPointNameDescription1Bluetooth indicatorBluetooth symbol in the upper-left corner of the card reader's screen2USB portPort located in the center of the top edge of the card reader3Power/Sleep buttonButton located in the right corner of the top edge of the card reader4Bluetooth buttonButton located in the right corner of the card reader above the screen5Battery indicatorBattery charge indicator in the upper-right corner of the card reader’s screen6Accept buttonButton located in the lower-right corner of the card reader and labeled with a check mark7Clear buttonButton located in the bottom center of the card reader and labeled with a left-facing arrow8Cancel buttonButton located in the lower -left corner of the card reader and labeled with an X

Source of article content: Shopify merchant official website