Currently, the MercadoLibre Mexico platform requires sellers to provide free shipping services, so sellers must remember to include shipping costs into their own costs. The seller has the following three shipping methods.
1. Delivery by the platform’s logistics partners
The logistics partners of the MercadoLibre platform will assist sellers in completing subsequent distribution, calculating logistics costs, customs clearance and tax payment, etc. Goods will be labeled with MercadoLibre, and logistics information will be provided and updated by the platform. If a piece is lost due to the platform’s logistics partner, the customer’s complaint will be deleted by the platform and will not affect the store’s score.
MercadoLibre currently supports the following routes:
(1) Within 3 days after the order is placed, it will be shipped from Shenzhen and Shanghai transit warehouses. Currently, it can only be delivered to Mexico, Brazil and Chile;
(2) First mail the goods to the United States, and the platform’s logistics partners will pick them up and then deliver them. Currently, they can only be shipped to Mexico and Argentina.
2. Self-built logistics (self-delivery)
MercadoLibre’s Chinese sellers generally prefer self-delivery, mainly because official logistics is too expensive
The requirements for self-delivery are:
(1) Send the goods directly from China to a MercadoLibre site.
(2) Make sure that the product price includes freight, taxes, etc. (you need to follow up with the cooperative service provider for labeling, customs clearance and tax payment).
(3) It must be shipped within 3 days of the order, and the total transportation time of the goods shall not exceed 25 days (from order placement to delivery).
(4) Ensure that logistics information can be provided and updated on time. It is not recommended to use domestic surface mail if the logistics information cannot be tracked.
The MercadoLibre platform currently has a local warehousing and distribution center in Mexico, where the products are stored and buyers can receive the goods the next day. Currently, it is only available for specific categories (3C, fashion, home and gardening, high-tech), and has requirements on product volume. In the next few years, the MercadoLibre platform plans to provide logistics solutions in Argentina and Brazil. If sellers need this service, they must apply to the platform investment manager in advance.