Product pictures play a very important role in the store. Making the pictures neat and beautiful will increase the product conversion rate. Buyers will definitely look at the product description pictures when shopping. Poorly made and messy pictures, interlaced Chinese fonts, inconsistent sizes of each picture, etc. will affect the buyer’s purchasing decision. You can imagine if we were buyers and saw that the description pictures were particularly messy, would we be willing to trust this seller? Will you buy products from this seller? However, so far, there are still many sellers whose product pictures have Chinese characters, and the sizes of each picture are inconsistent and very messy.

There may be many friends who bought products from Taobao, and the pictures are a bit messy. At this time, you can use PS software to deal with it. Below I will share with you some more practical PS skills.

Generally, there are three PS processing techniques that everyone needs to use when processing pictures: removing Chinese characters, cutting out pictures, and adjusting picture sizes.

Remove Chinese characters.

There is a Chinese text in the lower left corner of the picture. We need to use the patch tool to remove the Chinese text. At this time, we select the patch tool and draw a circle around the Chinese text.

After selecting, move the mouse inside the circle, and then move the selected part up. At this time, the repair tool will extract the location without text on it and repair the location with text below, so that the text will be removed.

Cut out pictures.

Select the magic wand tool, and then use the magic wand to click on the white area outside the shoes in the picture, and then the shoes will be selected.

At this time, press the Delete key on the keyboard and the layer will be deleted. After deleting the layer, we found that the shadow of the shoe has not been deleted. This is the area where the magic wand has not been selected. We need to use the Lasso tool to continue to select the undeleted part.

Select the part you want to delete and press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete the shaded part, and the shoes will be completely cut out.

Now we only see the shoes. The background and shadow of the shoes have been completely removed. Next, we can adjust the image size.

Image size adjustment.

It is very simple to adjust the image size. We can directly select the image size tool, or we can use the shortcut Alt+Ctr to open the image size tool and set the image size after opening.

Fill in a width and height for the image and click the “OK” button. At this time, the size of the image will change. It is recommended that all images have the same width and height, so that the image looks standardized.