Before registering an account, sellers can first go to the details page of the corresponding site to view the common questions about account registration. For example, in the “FAQ” section of Amazon Americas, sellers are listed with common questions about account registration.
Sellers only need to click the + icon behind the corresponding question to view the answer to the question. In addition to account registration questions, sellers can also view other common questions in the “FAQ” section. For example, in the “FAQ” section of Amazon Americas, you can view questions and answers about account and store information settings, product listings, logistics, taxation, etc.
In the Amazon cross-border e-commerce platform, some content can only be viewed and set after logging in to the account, and to log in to the account, you need to register an account on the Amazon platform first. Below, we introduce the specific steps to register an Amazon platform account.
Step 01: Click the “Free Registration” link on the right side of the default page of the Amazon cross-border e-commerce platform.
Step 02: Enter the “Create Account” page, sellers can directly enter relevant information to register an account, or click the “WeChat Account Registration” button to register an account with a WeChat account.
Step 03: If the seller clicks the “WeChat Account Registration” button, a page with a QR code will open. The seller can open the WeChat App, ① click the + icon to open a drop-down list box, ② select the “Scan” option.
Step 04: Enter the “Scan Code” page and aim the camera at the QR code to scan.
Step 05: Enter the Amazon China application to use WeChat information interface and click the “Agree” button in the interface.
Step 06: Enter the “WeChat User Registration” page, ① enter the mobile phone number and verification code; ② click the “Create Your Amazon Account” button. After completing the operation, the seller can obtain an account on the Amazon platform.