Amazon’s individual sellers and professional sellers are just two different seller sales plans selected by Amazon, and their full names are individual seller sales plan and professional seller sales plan. Individual sellers refer to sellers registered with personal information, and professional sellers refer to accounts registered through global stores with company information.
The difference between Amazon individual sellers and professional sellers:
1. The monthly subscription fee is different.
Amazon individual sellers have no monthly subscription fee. Professional sellers have a monthly subscription fee of $39.99, which provides access to additional tools and features to help sellers manage their business more effectively.
2. Selling fees for each item.
Amazon individual sellers: The selling fee for each item is $0.99, and the selling fee for each item is Amazon service fees, such as listing and detail page creation, customer support, payment processing, order processing, and shipping. Professional sellers: No need to pay selling fees for each item.
3. Different qualifications for obtaining Amazon’s gold shopping cart.
Amazon individual sellers: Do not qualify for Amazon’s gold shopping cart and do not meet the qualification standards set by Amazon. Professional sellers: If they meet performance standards and offer competitive prices, they may qualify for the Gold Shopping Cart. Sellers must have an active professional selling plan, be able to ship to customers quickly and reliably, maintain a high level of customer service, and show good performance indicators such as low cancellation rates and high on-time delivery rates. Sellers who do not meet these conditions will be excluded.
4. Different delivery logistics services.
Amazon individual sellers can also use Amazon logistics services, but must pay an additional fee for each item. Professional sellers: Amazon logistics services can use more advanced order management tools without paying additional fees for each item sold, which is included in their monthly subscription fee.
5. Amazon has different promotion plans.
Amazon individual sellers: cannot create detailed services such as promotion plans. Professional sellers: can create promotions and discounts on the Amazon platform.
6. The ability to create new product listings is different.
Amazon individual sellers: are limited in creating new product listings because they are limited to specific categories and require Amazon approval. Professional sellers: There are fewer restrictions and new product listings can be created in any category.
7. The bulk upload function and order data report are different.
Amazon individual sellers: There is no bulk upload function, you can only upload products through a single addition, and there is no order data report. Professional sellers: You can use the bulk file upload function. When there are many products, you can upload a product batch table through the background bulk upload function, and view the order data report in the background.
8. Restrictions on the scope of different sales markets.
Amazon individual sellers: Unable to experience this aspect of the business. Professional sellers: There are more opportunities to expand your brand in different markets, such as Amazon professional sellers automatically enter the Canadian and Mexican markets, which means that if your product performs well in the market, the product may also be sold in another market to make additional profits.
The above is an introduction to Amazon individual sellers, and the difference between individual sellers and professional sellers.