There are two main ways for Cdiscount Chinese sellers to ship goods: self-delivery and FBC overseas warehouse. These two cdiscount shipping methods provide sellers with different options to meet different needs and conditions.

Self-delivery means that after the buyer places an order, the seller packs the goods by himself and contacts the domestic logistics company, and then ships the goods from the country. In this case, the seller needs to bear all processes such as after-sales service. Generally speaking, sellers will choose transportation methods such as international express or air freight to ensure faster transportation time. For small packages, DHL is a more suitable choice, while UPS is suitable for transporting large goods. In addition, there are some more secure options, such as sensitive goods and dedicated line small packages. Of course, there are also ways such as railway and sea transportation, but the transportation time is slower and may not be delivered to the buyer in time. When choosing self-delivery, sellers need to pay attention to the requirements that the preparation time is less than 5 days and the logistics time is within 20 working days, otherwise the order may be cancelled. In addition, sellers have the right to set the postage and modify it according to the number of products in the order.

Another cdiscount shipping method is to ship using the FBC overseas warehouse provided by Cdiscount. This method is similar to Amazon’s FBA. Sellers need to pay certain storage fees and delivery fees. FBC provides a variety of delivery methods to choose from. The first is freight delivery to home. Buyers can choose standard delivery, tracked delivery and signature delivery according to their needs. The specific fee depends on the value of the goods and delivery time. The second is delivery to Casino supermarkets, using Casino’s extensive store network in France to provide more than 2,000 self-pickup points. The third method is immediate delivery. Buyers can choose the nearest store to pick up the seller’s store, and the store will pick up the goods on site according to the order. The last one is to pick up the goods at the self-pickup point. There are 17,500 self-pickup points in France, such as RelaisColis, Mondial Relay and Colissimo. These delivery methods enrich buyers’ choices and provide more convenience.

For the process of using FBC overseas warehouse delivery, first, the seller needs to click to select the product entrusted to Cdiscount overseas warehouse for delivery. Then, prepare and send the first batch of goods to Cdiscount overseas warehouse. Once Cdiscount receives the goods, it will integrate everyone’s products into the warehouse for storage and management.

In short, Cdiscount provides Chinese sellers with a variety of shipping methods to meet different needs. Whether choosing self-delivery or FBC overseas warehouse, sellers should make appropriate choices based on their own situation and product characteristics. No matter which method is chosen, Cdiscount provides convenient processes and flexible delivery options to ensure that buyers can receive the goods in time and complete the transaction satisfactorily. Cdiscount’s shipping method is very important for sellers because it is directly related to the shipment and delivery of goods, and it will also have a direct impact on the buyer’s shopping experience. Therefore, sellers should reasonably choose Cdiscount’s shipping method based on their own needs and conditions to provide better services and experience.