The following will be explained in conjunction with the Excel file of “cleaned product portrait data”:

After opening the data table, you first need to evaluate the logarithmic function of the product ranking data. You can insert a column after the “ClothingShoes & Jewelry” column and name it “In Ranking”, and use the Excel built-in function “LN” to take the logarithm of the ranking value of the “Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry” column.

After obtaining the logarithmic function value of the ranking, you can use the bar chart in Excel to visualize the data.

The horizontal axis of the bar chart is the different “In ranking” value intervals, where the minimum interval is “<4.2” and the maximum interval is “(16.8, 17]”. From the distribution of the bar chart, it can be found that the number of “In rankings” that meet the interval (14.6, 14.8] (corresponding ranking values are (]], i.e. (2 191287, 2676445]) is the largest, totaling more than 1700; the number of “In rankings” that meet the interval (14.4, 14.6] (The corresponding ranking value is (,], that is, (1794074,2191287]) The number of “In ranking” in the interval is the second largest, exceeding 1,600. This type of million-level ranking listings are product listings that have not been sold for a long time. This is also in line with the current order situation of a category, that is, most listings have no sales.

According to the bar chart of the “In ranking” value, in addition to being able to judge that the number of low-order listings is large, operators can also use the chart to judge the ranking value standard of excellent listings. It can be seen that the proportion of “In ranking” less than 10 is already very rare, and its corresponding ranking value is =22 026, that is, under the search results of the keyword “dress”. As long as the major category ranking is in the top 22026, the product belongs to the top product. This value is highly referenced in data-based product selection and listing sales judgment.

In addition to numerical comparison, operators can customize and optimize the performance of data visualization. In Excel In the 2016 version, you can use the “Set Axis Format” function in Excel to adjust the parameters. The specific operation is: double-click the horizontal axis of the chart and set the value of the horizontal axis in the “Set Axis Format” pane.