In most cases, buyers can request a return within 30 days of receiving the goods. In some cases, Amazon will also accept return requests after 30 days of receiving the goods. For goods shipped in November and December, buyers can return the goods before the end of January of the following year as long as they meet the requirements. It can be seen that the return rules of FBA products are relatively simple, and buyers can complete the return and exchange directly, and there is almost no email communication with the seller.

Unlike FBA, the return and exchange of self-delivered goods is relatively complicated, and buyers need to send emails to the seller for confirmation. Returns and exchanges can only be completed after both parties reach an agreement. Although self-delivery increases customer service pressure, its stocking risk is low, and sometimes returns can be avoided through communication. Therefore, many sellers still choose to open self-delivery and FBA at the same time. In the store backend Orders > Manage Returns, you can choose whether to approve the buyer’s return request. After approving the buyer’s return request, Amazon will send the buyer a return label with the address. By default, a non-prepaid return label is sent.

Since some sellers do not have overseas warehouses, self-delivered orders cannot be returned or exchanged, and can only be partially or fully refunded. Therefore, the specific return and exchange email processing needs to be carried out according to the actual situation of the store.

When the buyer initiates a return request, he can send a file to the seller. A single email supports attachments within 10MB, including plain text (.txt) files, PDF files, pictures (.jpg, .gif and .png) and Word documents (.doc and .docx). Therefore, in the case that the buyer claims that the product is damaged or the wrong product is sent, the seller can ask the buyer to take a photo to confirm, so as to determine whether a refund is required. After the return is completed, the seller can also request the buyer to send a return logistics receipt for confirmation.

Attached here is the customer service template for return request due to delivery timeout:

Dear customer

Sorry to you’re your package arrived late. We have approved your returnrequest. Please provide your return tracking number, and we will fully refundyou after receiving the item, Besides, we can provide a 20% partial refund ascompensation if you are willing to keep it. Please also consider that.

Thank you for your understanding. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards


P S.Here is our Return Address:





However, starting June 15, 2021, all professional sellers will join the “Amazon Prepaid Return Label” program, and individual sellers can choose to join. For sellers who join the program, they need to fill in a corresponding domestic address in the return address under Shipping and Return Information on the store backend settings > account information page. Amazon will automatically approve US returns that meet Amazon’s return policy and provide buyers with a prepaid label, the cost of which will be borne by the seller. Two business days after receiving the return, if the seller fails to refund in time, Amazon will directly deduct the corresponding amount from the seller’s account to complete the refund process.

After the plan takes effect, the self-delivery return policy will gradually align with FBA. Amazon will only send sellers return requests for products that exceed the normal Amazon return policy or are exempt from return requirements, and there will be fewer and fewer return-related emails. In addition, if a prepaid return label has been provided, but the buyer returns the product and the product is damaged, etc., a complaint can be filed through the Seller E-Commerce Transaction Guarantee (SAFE-T) function. If Amazon determines that the seller is not at fault, the seller may receive corresponding compensation, which will be determined by Amazon at its sole discretion.