Promotional terms mainly describe content related to promotion, including Sponsored Products, Impression Sessions, CTR, CVR, ACoS, etc., which are described in detail as follows.

1.Sponsored Products

Sponsored Products refers to sponsored products, which refers to Amazon’s product advertisements. This product advertisement displays products through CPC paid promotion keyword bidding ranking. Sellers can set the products, keywords, prices, etc. they want to promote by themselves. It is one of Amazon’s main promotion methods.


Impression refers to the number of times a product is displayed on the buyer’s browsing page, that is, the exposure, which can only be viewed through the “Advertisement” label.


Sessions refers to the number of visits to an independent IP address. Within 24 hours, when a buyer visits a listing through a network IP address, no matter how many times it clicks, it can only be counted as one visit. For example, buyer A viewed product A on the Amazon platform through his home computer, then closed the page of product A; two hours later, he opened the page of product A again. Although buyer A opened the page of product A twice in 24 hours, it can only be counted as one visit.

4. CTR

CTR (Click Through Rate) refers to the click-through rate of an advertisement. For example, if a product advertisement set by a seller is displayed 100 times but is clicked once by a buyer, then the CTR is 1%.

5. CVR

CVR (Conversion Rate) refers to the conversion rate. For example, within a period of time, the sessions of a seller’s product are 10 times, but it is only purchased once, then the CVR is 10%.

6. ACoS

ACoS refers to the percentage of the promotion fee spent by the seller during the promotion and the order amount. For example, if the seller spends $10 on promotion and the order amount obtained is $5, then the ACoS is 200%. Through this value, sellers can determine whether the current product promotion is profitable.