Product description violations refer to complaints caused by a large difference between the product itself and the product information displayed on the listing page. When buyers place orders on the Amazon platform, they expect perfect products and excellent service. Therefore, when the products received by buyers are inconsistent with the products they ordered, they are likely to file a complaint. If there are too many complaints, sellers will receive warnings from Amazon or their stores will be closed. When sellers encounter product description violations, they need to check the reasons for the violations, deal with the violations, and avoid violations in the future.
(1) Reasons for product description violations
When sellers receive warning emails from Amazon or their stores are closed, they must first find out the problem. Any slight difference between the actual product and the description on the listing page may touch the bottom line of buyers. However, product description violations are different from product quality violations. Amazon will not tell sellers the specific reasons for the violations, so sellers must comprehensively check all possible problems. Sellers should focus on the following aspects when checking problems.
① Check the product. When checking the listing page, sellers should pay attention to the product page, product highlights, product details and price.
② Check sales records. Sellers should check the sales records of the products involved to see if there are any patterns, such as whether buyers request returns for similar reasons.
③ Check product inventory. When sellers check the inventory of the products involved, if they find that the product has had many problems before, they should consider removing the product from the shelves. If the product involved is FBA inventory, the seller should apply to Amazon to check the remaining inventory or ask Amazon to return the product for self-inspection.
(2) How to deal with product description violations
When dealing with product description violations, sellers also need to file an email complaint. Amazon not only wants to see sellers investigate and solve the problem, but also wants sellers to propose some long-term solutions. Therefore, sellers can reply to Amazon’s official email to ensure that the inventory has been cleared and explain that they are ready to implement the following measures to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
① Optimize the listing and comply with relevant rules.
② Arrange employees to review the listing.
③ Create a project to give away most of the problematic products to show that there is no possibility of duplicate listing.
④ Design and print flyers and put them in the packaging box, clearly indicating the return and refund policies.
(3) Avoidance strategies for product description violations
In order to avoid future complaints from buyers triggering Amazon warning emails or causing the store to be closed, sellers can take the following measures.
① Do not sell any products whose listing descriptions do not match the actual product.
② If the listed listing is not 100% matched with the actual product, create a new listing.
③ If many buyers ask the same question, directly indicate the answer in the product description.
④ Provide clear return and refund policies, and print the company logo on every packaging box.
⑤ Check the return report regularly to understand how many products are “not as described” and identify and deal with problems in a timely manner.