The after-sales service of products on the Amazon platform mainly includes product review feedback, product returns, etc. If the seller does not handle it in a timely and proper manner, it may cause certain losses to the store. The after-sales situations that may occur when the seller operates an Amazon store mainly include product review feedback and product returns.
After the seller transports the goods to the buyers, many buyers will comment on the Amazon platform based on their satisfaction with the goods, logistics, etc., and these comments and feedback will directly or indirectly affect the sales of the seller’s goods. For example, if a product has a bad review, other buyers may not buy this product when browsing the product due to the bad review. Before processing and operating product review feedback, sellers must first understand the rules, display and types of product review feedback in order to better view the product review feedback. The following will explain the five aspects of product review feedback rules, product review feedback display, product review feedback type, product review feedback processing, and product review feedback operation.
1. Product review feedback rules
The product review feedback rules on the Amazon platform are mainly regulated from the perspective of buyers and sellers.
(1) From the buyer’s perspective
As long as any one of the following two conditions is met, the buyer can provide feedback on the seller’s products. The specific conditions are as follows.
① Buyers who have completed the product order can provide feedback on the order. Their feedback includes factors related to the order, such as the product, logistics, and customer service.
② The buyer has not purchased the seller’s product, but has spent at least US$50 on the Amazon platform using a valid credit or debit card in the past 12 months (spending on discounted products is not included) and is a paid member of the Amazon platform; or the buyer has participated in the Amazon platform’s free trial activities (free activities mean that the seller mails the product to the buyer for free trial). Such buyers can only provide feedback on the product itself.
(2) From the seller’s perspective
After the product is sold, Amazon will automatically send an email to the buyer, asking the buyer to provide feedback on the product. The seller does not need to do anything.
If the seller wants to know the specific rules of the Amazon platform regarding product review feedback, they can look it up in the help of the quick function section of the Amazon backend.
2. Product review feedback display
After the seller’s product is reviewed by the buyer, the review feedback content will be displayed on the Amazon platform. The display forms mainly include review feedback star rating, review feedback quantity and review feedback collection display.
(1) Review feedback star rating
When the buyer reviews the product, he/she needs to first select the star rating of the product, with a maximum of 5 stars and a minimum of 1 star. 4 to 5 stars are good review feedback; 3 stars are medium reviews; 1 to 2 stars are bad reviews.
(2) Review feedback quantity
The number of buyers who have reviewed the seller’s product will also be displayed.
(3) Review feedback collection display
The relevant review feedback of the seller’s product will also be displayed in the form of a collection on the listing page.
The time when the seller’s product was reviewed, the text of the review, the video of the review, etc. are all displayed on the listing page for buyers to view.
3. Product review feedback types
Product review feedback types are mainly divided into three categories, namely direct review, VP (Verified Purchase), and VN (Vine Customer Review of Free Product).
(1) Direct review
Direct review refers to the review of the seller’s product by buyers who meet condition ②.
(1) VP
VP (Verified Purchase) means verified purchase, that is, the review feedback from buyers who have completed the product order. This type of review feedback has the greatest impact on the seller’s product satisfaction.
(3) VN
VN (Vine Customer review of Free Product) means the review obtained from the Vine Project product free trial activity. Buyers who have tried the product for free can provide review feedback on the product, and these buyers’ reviews will be displayed with the VN logo.