Click the mother-shaped button next to the pencil icon on your Pinterest profile page to get to the system settings page.

Here we can complete more information and function selection. In the list on the left, click Account Basics (Account Basics, in the displayed page).

The first item is “Email Address”, fill in the email address where you can receive emails.

The second item is “Change your password”, click this button to change the password for logging into Pinterest.

The third item is language, you can choose a language we are familiar with for easy reading.

The fourth item is country, just choose the country we are in.

The fifth item is gender, you can choose it according to the actual situation. However, from an operational perspective, if it is a female product, it is recommended to choose “female”, because women are more likely to be followed by more users.

The sixth item is “Scarch privay, this must be kept in the No state, otherwise other users will not be able to search for you.

The seventh item is “Personalization”, the first of which is whether to receive Pinterest’s own push letters, including advertising and other information, Yes means receiving, No means not receiving, you can choose by yourself; the second is whether to receive emails sent to you by Pinterest’s partners, also Yes means receiving, No means rejecting. Because we do Pin The purpose is to promote the store, so it is recommended to choose to receive, so that we can know the news from Pinterest and partners in time, which can be used for reference to help us better operate Pinterest.

The eighth item is “Search history (search history, click the “Clear Recent Searches” button to clear the search history; if the search history is not cleared, the system will set the search by default. When we open the software next time, the system will automatically recommend and display some related topics we have searched for. If you want to investigate the content posted by other users or competitors through search, it is recommended to clear the search history first

The ninth item is “Account”, click the “Deactivate Account” button. If you want to deactivate your account, you can click this button, select a reason, and then close the account. After the account is closed, it can be reactivated. After the account is closed, we will All the content on the page cannot be seen by anyone.

In the list on the left, click “Profle (Personal Settings). The content on the displayed page is the same as that displayed after clicking the pencil icon, so I will not repeat it here.

In the list on the left, click “Notifcations (Notifications), and the notification selection page will be displayed. Here we can select the notifications we want to know in time according to our needs.