Generally speaking, when formulating strategies to control customer churn, enterprises consider the credibility, reliability and operability of their strategies. These principles also apply to websites. However, websites should also consider their own characteristics when formulating strategies to control customer churn. Combining the similarities and differences between websites and general enterprises, this paper summarizes several principles that websites need to consider when formulating strategies to control customer churn.

(1) Practicality: The formulation of any strategy is not based on imagination. It must be able to be implemented and have practical value. If any strategy is not practical, it will not have any effect in the end.

(2) Timeliness: Nowadays, due to the rapid development of Internet technology, the flow of market-related information has increased and information has become increasingly transparent. This series of reasons has led to higher and higher customer demands. If enterprises cannot understand customer needs in a timely manner, they may be abandoned by customers. Enterprises, especially those that rely on the Internet like websites, must place special emphasis on real-time control and timely and accurate grasp of customer trends. The strategies adopted for lost customers must be able to achieve immediate results, otherwise their control strategies will not play their due role.

(3) Holistic: Most of the strategies currently formulated by enterprises (including e-commerce enterprises) to control customer churn are temporary control measures taken to address some changes in the short-term market. Although these strategies take timeliness into consideration, most of these measures are considered in a hurry and the factors considered are relatively incomplete. The formulated strategies do not start from the overall perspective. In order to avoid overlapping and contradictory situations, the formulated control strategies need to be coordinated as a whole. While considering timeliness, the overall integrity of the strategy also needs to be considered.

(4) Targeted: According to the results of model prediction, when analyzing the loss of customers on the website, it is necessary to conduct in-depth analysis in a targeted manner, because the factors affecting the loss of these customers are different. Our goal is to find out the key factors and formulate appropriate strategies to control their loss based on the key factors found.

(5) Security: In the e-commerce environment, the transactions of customers on the website are all conducted on the Internet. Security issues have always been a concern of customers. Therefore, when a website analyzes its lost customers, it must take into account factors related to website security and reliability. These indicators include security factors in the payment process, protection of customer privacy information, security policies, credit systems, and laws and regulations in the e-commerce environment. These are the basis for communication and interaction through the Internet.