To ensure the safety of international air navigation operations and the consistency of technical specifications, navigation procedures and operating rules among air transport enterprises of various countries, and to facilitate cooperation and business contacts between airlines of various countries and regions, IATA divides the world into three air transport business areas, called “IATA traffic conference areas”, referred to as IATA areas, namely ARETC1, ARETC2 and ARETC3, referred to as TC1, TC2 and TC3, and each area is divided into several sub-areas.

TC1 is adjacent to C2 in the east and TC3 in the west, starting from Greenland in the north and ending at Antarctica in the south. It mainly includes North America, Latin America and nearby islands and oceans.

TC2 The area borders TC3 to the east and TC1 to the west, stretching from the Arctic Ocean islands in the north to Antarctica in the south, including Europe, Africa, the Middle East and nearby islands.

TC3 is bordered by TC1 to the east and TC2 to the west, stretching from the Arctic Ocean in the north to Antarctica in the south, including a large area of Asia (except some Asian countries included in the Middle East), Oceania and Pacific Islands.