For sellers who want to join AliExpress recently, you need a trademark to enter AliExpress. You cannot enter without a trademark. Regarding trademark issues, I have sorted out some common questions, hoping to help you.
1. My trademark is only an English trademark. How do I write the Chinese trademark column on the trademark addition page?
If the trademark only has Chinese or English names, just enter and fill in the corresponding Chinese input box or English input box.
Depending on the trademark type and the place of trademark registration, you can view the Chinese name or English name information on the corresponding website (for example, Chinese trademarks can view the corresponding Chinese and English names on the website of the China Trademark Office).
2. Are products only allowed to be sold with English trademarks?
Products with only Chinese registered trademarks can also be sold, but the product detail page and product attributes-brandname column cannot display this Chinese character. Products with English trademarks, product detail pages, and product attributes-brandname normally display the English character trademark of the product. In order to have more exposure opportunities for the product, it is recommended that merchants register or modify the corresponding English text trademark as soon as possible.
When applying for a specialty store or official store later, the trademark must be an English trademark.
3. What trademarks are required by the platform?
The trademarks required by the AliExpress platform are as follows
(1) English-registered trademarks;
(2) registered in China or overseas
(3) hold a trademark registration certificate (abbreviated as R mark) or a trademark registration application acceptance notice (abbreviated as TM mark)
(4) As of December 31, 2016, products with only Chinese registered trademarks can still be released, but it is recommended to register the corresponding English trademark as soon as possible
(5) Adding pure graphic trademarks is not supported
(6) Registered brands and industry keywords (for example, trademarks in the sports industry include running, run, etc.), search hot words (for example, trademarks in the luggage industry include pack, etc.), names of people, places or known brand names (such as Jimmy Chow, Nike, etc.).
4. What is the difference between the TM mark and the R mark?
The TM mark is to hold a trademark registration application acceptance notice, and the R mark is to hold a trademark registration certificate. When a trademark is submitted to the National Trademark Office, an acceptance notice will be issued, and you can use the TM mark at this time; however, it will take about a year to obtain the registration certificate after the Trademark Office’s review. Only after obtaining the registration certificate can the trademark be considered successfully registered and the R mark can be used.