Shopee has sites, a total of sites. We will analyze the market size of each site from the population of the Shopee platform site and the per capita DP online shopping population penetration rate.
Per capita GDP is an indicator to measure the living standards of local people. According to statistics from the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China, China’s per capita GDP was US$10,000 in 2019. Compare my country’s per capita GDP index with the per capita GDP of each site of the Shopee platform in Southeast Asia. The two sites with per capita GDP indicators exceeding my country’s per capita GDP indicators are Singapore and Malaysia. The sites with per capita GDP indicators similar to my country’s per capita GDP are Thailand, especially in Bangkok, Thailand, where people’s consumption power is generally strong. The sites with per capita GDP indicators lower than my country’s per capita GDP indicators are Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia.
Among the sites set up by the Shopee platform, in terms of per capita consumption power, the four sites of Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and Brazil are currently the largest blue ocean markets. Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia have greater growth potential in the future and deserve attention.