Market Insights and Category Selection
Alibaba International Station platform provides merchants with a large amount of reference data for market analysis to help merchants choose categories. In market insights, merchants can select popular countries or regions of interest for analysis. The country with the highest number of searches by buyers on Alibaba International Station is the United States.
The top three visit preferences in the past 30 days are clothing, luggage, and beauty and personal care, and the visit index is on an upward trend. The data on this page includes the visit/inquiry and growth ranking analysis of commodity categories by people in different regions, which can be used to gain insight into the potential demand for their commodity categories.
Industry Market Analysis and Category Selection
Alibaba International Station merchants can enter the customs code of the product category they are interested in on the industry market analysis page (up to 6 categories can be added), and can query the monthly foreign trade export transaction scale index, search frequency index, and time difference index between collection and shipment of the category, so as to help merchants judge the market size and seller competition of the category. The industry market analysis section also displays the transaction amount country (region) rankings and search volume country (region) rankings under this category, so as to help merchants select key countries (regions) suitable for promotion. The United States is the country with the highest search volume and transaction amount, which is suitable for key promotion; although India ranks second in search volume, it does not appear in the transaction amount country (region) rankings, so it is not recommended to promote it for a fee to avoid wasting resources.
Data Analysis Product Selection
Data Analysis is a functional column of Alibaba International Station, which is divided into basic version and paid version. Here we focus on the paid version. This column is divided into five sections: store data, buyer data, consultant data, market data and marketing data.