Most effective advertising platforms support remarketing settings, such as Facebook search ads, display ads, and YouTube video ads. It is important for marketers to always have a funnel model and a traffic pool in mind, be able to study data in depth, and execute refined digital marketing. The following uses LinkedIn, which is commonly used by cross-border B2B companies, as an example to explain the specific implementation of remarketing advertising strategies.

(1) Set the demographics of target website visitors. To enable the demographics feature in any LinkedIn ad campaign, you need to use LinkedIn Campaign Manager to log in to your LinkedIn ad account, select “Website Demographics”, click Set Your Insight Tag, obtain the code for the Insight Tag, copy and add the Insight Tag code to the target website (usually the homepage), or a specific page of the target website (such as a product detail page or order detail page). It is recommended to add at least two Insight Tag codes on different pages of the website.

(2) Set up conversion tracking to obtain visitor demographic data. Add conversion tracking to the campaign set up in the previous step. Select “Conversion Tracing” under “Account Assets”. Note that you should give each insight tag code a different name to distinguish the visitor segments. You will get visitor data 24 hours after setting it up.

(3) Set up LinkedIn remarketing ads. Set up a new LinkedIn ad. Note that LinkedIn does not have a “remarketing” ad type option. You can select a type (such as text ads) as needed. When you have selected the matching audience, you can select the LinkedIn insight tag to select the users under an insight tag in the above step as the audience of the ad. Note that you should use the general targeting option to optimize the target audience of the LinkedIn ad.

Through the above three steps, you have completed the setting of remarketing ads on LinkedIn. It can be seen that LinkedIn remarketing ads can be used in any ad type supported by LinkedIn. The key is to enable LinkedIn to capture the target audience data. Based on this mode of thinking, other social media platforms can also set up remarketing ads independently.