1. Anti-Counterfeit Policy

To ensure that customers receive trustworthy products and a quality shopping experience, Amazon has developed an anti-counterfeit policy that strictly prohibits merchants from selling counterfeit goods. These counterfeit goods include: (1) any illegal goods, such as illegally copied or manufactured goods; (2) goods that infringe on the intellectual property rights of another party; (3) pirated, forged or stolen copies of goods or content.

To avoid these situations, sellers are advised to keep daily inventory maintenance records of incoming and outgoing shipments while complying with Amazon’s regulations. Amazon may require sellers to provide relevant supporting documents (such as invoices) to show the authenticity of the goods or that the goods are authorized to be sold. If sellers fail to comply with the anti-counterfeit policy, they may lose their selling privileges, have their funds withheld, have their goods destroyed by Amazon’s inventory center, and bear other legal consequences.

2. Intellectual Property Rules

When selling on Amazon, sellers must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to their products and product listings, and must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of brands or other rights holders. There are three main types of intellectual property: copyright, which is legal protection for original works; trademarks, which are legal protection for words, symbols, designs or combinations that a company uses to identify its goods and services; and patents, which are legal protection for inventions.