For malicious complaints, some platforms (such as AliExpress) have opened up a reporting mechanism for sellers to report malicious buyers. For malicious buyers, they can be reported in the corresponding order. AliExpress said that sellers can report the same buyer multiple times. The platform will process sellers’ reports in batches once a week, punish the buyer accounts involved, and delete the bad data generated by related transactions. The processing results will be notified to sellers regularly by email. For closed buyer accounts, the platform will regularly clean up the data indicators of their related orders, that is, they will not be counted in the seller’s service level indicator assessment.

In addition, in order to provide sellers with the best possible help and combat malicious fraud and extortion of buyers, the “Second Chance Alliance” decided to publicly disclose the store address of the local charity partner “The Second Chance Store” as a universal return address for all sellers in the United States from March 2017. Sellers can ask buyers to return products to the designated address of “The Second Chance Store”. All scattered products will be sold and auctioned by “The Second Chance Store”. After deducting the processing costs, they will be donated to charities. At the same time, the sellers who return the products will be issued with corresponding charitable donation certificates.

Sellers with such a universal return address can increase the cost of buyers’ returns, which is conducive to reducing malicious fraud and regular returns. Because buyers do not receive any freight discounts when they send packages to the post office and express companies sporadically, they need to bear high freight costs at their own expense. Even if the buyer does not have to pay for the freight, he or she still needs to drive at least half an hour to the post office or UPS/FedEx to queue up to fill out the form and mail it. In this way, the probability of buyers choosing to return the goods may be reduced, and sellers will have more opportunities to communicate with buyers and compensate them reasonably and appropriately, which can not only achieve sales but also retain high-quality buyers.

The general return address for “The Second Chance Store” in the United States is as follows:

Recipient: Margo Gibson

Receiving address: 11415E.23rd Street, Independence, MO 64052