On the AliExpress platform, sellers often regard the sales performance of hot products as one of the focuses of attention. However, there is no definite standard to determine whether a product is a hot product, nor is there a set number of orders required for a hot product to reach. In this article, we will explore the issue of determining the number of orders required for a hot product on AliExpress.
The definition of a hot product is relative
First of all, we need to make it clear that the definition of a hot product is relative. Whether a product is considered a hot product depends on multiple factors, such as market demand, competition, industry characteristics, etc. Therefore, there is no exact number of orders to define whether a product is a hot product.
The hot product threshold varies in different industries and product types
The hot product threshold varies in different industries and product types. For example, in some industries, a few dozen orders a month may be enough to become a hot product, while in other more competitive industries, hundreds or even thousands of orders may be required to reach the level of a hot product. Therefore, the exact number of orders required for a hot product depends on the industry average and competition.
Determine the sales performance of a hit product
Secondly, a hit product usually has a high sales volume and order frequency. The specific sales volume and order frequency can be evaluated based on the industry average and competition. Sellers can analyze market data and competitor performance to understand the current industry sales status and standards, and thus determine their own hit product goals.
In summary, determining whether a product is a hit product does not only depend on the order volume, but requires consideration of multiple factors. Sellers should determine their own hit product goals based on their industry and product type, combined with market demand and competition, and formulate corresponding sales strategies and promotion plans.