In e-commerce, it is crucial to provide buyers with a high-quality shopping experience. eBay backend provides sellers with a buyer experience report, which intuitively reflects the buyer’s shopping experience. The buyer experience report is divided into two major areas, namely seller level and problem reminder.

Seller level area

The seller level area is divided into two modules, namely current seller level and predicted seller level. The data in the seller level is updated synchronously with the seller dashboard. Among them, the current seller level corresponds to the Current seller level in the seller dashboard; the predicted seller level corresponds to If we evaluated you today in the seller dashboard.

In the seller level, different assessment result symbols represent different meanings.

Check mark: This indicator meets the requirements of “Excellent Rated Seller”.

Small flag: This indicator is about to fall out of the current level requirements, and sellers need to pay attention to this project.

Exclamation mark: This indicator is in the “Unqualified Seller” state, and sellers need to improve in time.