Alexa ( is a world-renowned website ranking query website, founded by a subsidiary of Amazon. If you enter any URL, Alexa will automatically analyze its global ranking, visitor source, visitor behavior, keyword source, external links, traffic source ratio, etc. Although this information may not be completely accurate, it can still provide us with a reliable overall analysis of the website. You should know that the current authoritative news media will use the ranking on Alexa as the standard when evaluating the scale of a well-known website.
So, what is the significance of sellers on Amazon using Alexa? It lies in the grasp and judgment of the entire industry trend. If the seller is in a mature industry, then the industry-recognized top ten official websites in the industry need to be paid attention to; if the seller is in an emerging industry, there will also be some competitors who are doing well. If they have official websites, they must also pay attention to them.
Each seller may focus on different aspects, but there are a few points that must be carefully studied. One is the traffic source ratio, which will let sellers know in which countries such products receive the most attention, and then combine their own resources and conditions to see if they can make some targeted sales plans; the other is the search engine keyword source, which can also guide sellers to optimize products; of course, there is also the external link, from which sellers may get some inspiration and reference on the road.