The market size of art painting paint is expected to reach US$7.6818 billion in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate of 17.3%. Products are mainly functional and do not have strong branding. Consumers will buy cost-effective paints and other painting products. This part of the products accounts for a large proportion, and the price is usually less than US$20. A small number of consumers have higher requirements for product quality and personalization, and will buy some painting products and auxiliary products with slightly higher unit prices and better quality. In addition to focusing on cost-effectiveness, European customers are also very interested in some professional art supplies, such as professional brushes. At the same time, customers’ purchasing behavior is related to the popular art schools and artistic atmosphere in their countries. For example, in Germany, palette knife scraping is more popular, and in the UK, brushes sell better. China has a good supply of pigments, so Chinese sellers have an advantage in this area, and there is a lot of market space. If the products are combined, it is also easier to sell.
Hot-selling products: drawing boards, brushes (watercolor pens, oil brushes, oil painting brushes, pigment brushes, etc.), pigments, painting sets, etc.
Hot-selling sites: the United States and Europe.
Hot-selling months: all year round, with the start of school and Christmas being the peak seasons.
Supply chain industrial belts: Hebei, Anhui, Shandong, Jiangxi, Shenzhen, Putian, Xiamen.
Price range: 30~300 USD (US), 10~50 EUR (Europe).