The wish platform is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world. Wish attaches great importance to intellectual property rights. If the seller’s products are infringed, he will be fined. So how can I be fined if wish infringes 3 times? This will be introduced in detail below.
The Wish platform has very severe penalties for infringement of intellectual property rights. If a seller’s product infringes on other people’s intellectual property rights, the product will generally be removed from the shelves, and the seller’s account may also be fined $500 by the platform. , in severe cases, it may lead to higher fines or even account suspension.
Generally, the fine amount for wish infringement three times will be very high, and it may also cause the seller’s account to be suspended from trading or even permanently closed. When the Wish platform reviews products, if it is confirmed that the product violates Wish’s intellectual property rules, the seller may be fined $1.00 for each imitation in the store, and all payments for infringing products will be withheld.
If the seller’s product has been approved, but the product name, description and product pictures are modified, the wish platform will generally re-review the product, mainly to check whether the modified product exists. infringement. Products can be sold normally during the review period, but if infringing products are found after the review, the seller will be fined $100 and the product will be removed from the shelves.
If the seller’s product is determined to be counterfeit or infringes on intellectual property rights, the seller can provide the platform with the authorization certificate of the product. Usually, the authorization information needs to be displayed in the title and description of the product when the product is put on the shelf. , to avoid being identified as infringing products by platform auditors. In order to avoid the appearance of infringing products and imitations, sellers need to carefully check the easily identifiable brand logo on the product image. If there is no brand logo displayed on the product image, they also need to check the product title and description to see if there are obvious traces of the brand.
The above content has introduced in detail the three fines for Wish infringement. In the process of operating the store, sellers need to strictly control the products to avoid infringing products. Once infringing products appear, not only will you be fined, but your store’s reputation may also be damaged.