Most of the web traffic to independent sites is driven by user searches. These users are trying to find products and services that can help them solve their unique problems. If independent site sellers want more buyer conversions and better revenue, they must first improve the SEO of the website.

1. Correct keywords

The SEO strategy of the website must first find the keywords to use. But most B2C sellers do not use the most appropriate keywords because they do not think like buyers.

That is, good SEO starts with assuming that buyers envision a product and service that needs to be provided by the website. The next step is to figure out what such buyers will search for on Google and find the type of business they are looking for.

In some cases, what buyers search for may not have much in common with the name or brand. But this does not matter: the focus of SEO is to effectively connect with them and bring them to the website.

2. Existing audit strategy of the website

It is very important to understand the problems with existing strategies before trying any new strategies. This is why SEO review is so important.

Using Google Analytics is one of the best ways to start this review. Such analytics tools can help you gather valuable data such as clicks, click-through rates, impressions, and your site’s average ranking for various search terms.

It’s also important to have the right analytics tools to find out which search terms your site is associated with. If your site’s associated content is seriously mismatched with your overall marketing strategy, you may need to make some major SEO changes for better consistency.

3. Find a Niche Topic

While SEO strategies have changed and evolved over time, some of the SEO challenges you face remain the same. The key challenge is this: there is usually a ton of competition for the most popular keywords.

That doesn’t mean you can’t use these keywords or take on these challenges. But let’s be realistic: doing so means that your site will have a long and difficult climb to the top in order to achieve search rankings.

That’s why it’s important to take the time to explore niche topics that are relevant to your buyers’ needs. It’s easier said than done, but with a little creativity, you can find topics that combine your buyers’ niche needs with the specialized products and services you need.

Obviously, this strategy would be easier if you were designed as a niche business from the beginning. But the right SEO and content strategy can help any seller stand out.