Filling in the product template on the Ozon platform is a key step in listing products. The following is a detailed operation guide to ensure that the product information is listed accurately:
1. Fill in the basic information of the product.
Product code: Each product should have a unique product code to ensure the uniqueness of product identification. Avoid duplication. If necessary, add color, size and other information to the product code.
Product name: According to the platform rules, the naming method can be automatically generated or manually named, and the naming must meet the audit requirements.
Price and VAT: Set the product price, select VAT-free, and indicate the price before discount. Make sure that the price before discount is higher than the current selling price.
2. Fill in the product information.
Business type: Select the appropriate product category. This information will be used to calculate the commission. Make sure the selection is accurate.
Barcode (code/EAN): Fill in the barcode of the product to ensure accuracy.
Product additional information: Fill in the weight and size of the package to ensure that it does not exceed the allowed range. At the same time, fill in the direct link of the main image of the product, and make sure the link suffix is .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, or .png.
3. Product specifications and features.
Product specifications and features will be displayed on the product information page. Fill in as many as possible to attract customers. If multiple products are combined into the same information page, please mark in the corresponding field.
4. Product packaging and units.
If the product has multiple unit quantities, for example, there are multiple products in one package, please enter the required quantity in the packaging unit number field.
For a single product, enter “1” in the packaging unit number field.
By following the above steps, you can ensure that the filled-in product template is accurately listed on the Ozon platform, improve the completeness of product information, and increase the possibility of attracting buyers. This guide will help you make full use of the product template function of the Ozon platform and ensure the correctness and completeness of product information.