On the Ozon platform, you can add new products more quickly by copying other sellers’ product information. At the same time, understanding the process of correcting errors can ensure that the products pass the review. Here are the detailed steps:
1. Copy from other sellers’ product cards.
Go to “Products and Prices” → “Add Products Section” and click “Manual”.
Enter the search term in the “Other sellers have sold the same product on Ozon” block and click “Find”.
The system will filter out potentially suitable products for you. Click to select them. These products will be added to the list and will be added to the product category later. Sellers may prohibit copying their product cards. Be careful to select other similar products.
After confirming that the products are selected, click “Finish Adding”.
2. Specify the product number and price for each product.
Open the list with the checked products.
Specify the product number and price for each product, and select not to collect in the “VAT” field.
Click “Add Products”.
3. Copy from your own product card.
If there are many similar products, copy your own product card and modify the required fields to avoid creating a new product completely.
In the “Products and Prices” → “Product List” section, click on the desired product row and select Create Copy.
Enter the item number and barcode and check the other information, which are copied from the existing product card. All other fields can be changed except the product category.
Fill in the characteristics of the product. At least one characteristic must be different from the original product, otherwise the system will not allow the product to be saved.
To create product variations, make sure:
Keep the main characteristics consistent, such as brand, which will merge the products into one card.
Keep variable characteristics different, which will create switchers on the card, such as color, size or capacity.
Check that all photos match the new product and replace them as needed.
If everything is correct, click the “Add product” button and the new product will appear as a separate row in the “Products and Prices” → “Product List” section.
Fourth, pass the review.
After uploading, the product must pass the review. To view the review results and correct the errors, follow the steps below:
Go to the “Products and Prices” → “Update History” section.
The number of products containing errors will be displayed in the “Contains Errors” column. If there are products containing errors, click and select “Download products containing errors.”
Review the errors, make changes and re-upload the file.
To view the review results and correct the errors, go to the “Products and Prices” → “Update History” section.
If there are products containing errors, click “Select Learn more”.
A window containing the error description will pop up. After reviewing, you need to correct the errors and resubmit for review.
Through the above steps, you can add products more efficiently and correct possible errors to ensure that the products are successfully reviewed and displayed on the Ozon platform.