Application mode refers to the degree of optimization of business processes, innovation of content, innovation of services, innovation of organizational models, etc. in cross-border e-commerce from the aspects of business model, technical solutions, organizational management, etc., as well as the effectiveness of the operation of different application modes and the degree of adaptation to the level of economic and social development.
In a sense, the implementation of cross-border e-commerce is centered around the application in the field of enterprise sales. This application involves multiple links in the international trade chain, such as transaction, delivery of goods, payment, administrative approval, customs clearance of goods, etc. Its application modes are diverse, and the application mode of paperless trade can be discussed from all angles.
At present, the application mode of cross-border e-commerce in my country can be classified as follows.
1) From the perspective of transaction content
The application mode of cross-border e-commerce can be divided into application mode dominated by the sale of goods and application mode dominated by service trade according to the transaction content. The former focuses on the transaction of the transfer of ownership of goods, and its application of paperless trade involves various links in the traditional trade chain, such as delivery of goods, payment of goods, administrative approval, customs clearance of goods, etc. The latter focuses on the application of services as the main content. Different from the traditional sale of goods, the service-oriented application mode focuses more on the provision of services. In fact, many innovations in cross-border e-commerce are concentrated on trade in services. Although the Internet cannot replace actual delivery, it can improve service methods, service content and other aspects, and even change traditional service content and service methods. The more developed the service trade of an economy is, the more mature and popular service-oriented applications will be, and the more innovations will be related.
2) From the perspective of technical implementation
The application mode of cross-border e-commerce can be divided into private network application mode, open Internet application mode and mobile business mode from the perspective of technical implementation. The private network application mode is the earliest application mode of paperless trade. Whether it is developed countries (such as the United States and Japan) or emerging Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation economies (such as Singapore and South Korea), their implementation of paperless trade has experienced the private network application mode. The realization of commercial data transmission in the private network application mode mainly relies on the highly corresponding closed EDI technology, and the network infrastructure is relatively closed. This model can avoid many coordination costs and has strong security, but the implementation cost is very high, including the establishment of standards and the construction of a large amount of network infrastructure. The open Internet application model that developed later got rid of the original closed and isolated information exchange system, and moved from the high-cost private network model to the open and low-cost Internet application model. The mobile business model is a new direction of miniaturization and convenience based on the open Internet application model. The mobility of corporate sales personnel can no longer hinder the application of paperless trade.
3) From the perspective of application fields
The application model of cross-border e-commerce can be divided into administrative application model, customs clearance model and cross-border transaction model from the application field. Some economies tend to use administrative application models for paperless trade, such as Singapore and South Korea; some economies tend to use customs clearance models for paperless trade, such as Hong Kong, China. In addition, many economies (including China) are exploring cross-border transaction models, because the development of paperless trade will eventually establish a global cross-border transaction system and transaction platform to seamlessly realize the effective transmission of commercial documents and commercial information across borders. In developed economies, the transmission of general cross-border trade documents mainly relies on the internal network service system of industries and large multinational companies. Usually, multinational companies rely on their unique advantages to make many small and medium-sized enterprises dependent on their trade chain network. At present, the realization of cross-border transactions mainly relies on the services provided by network value-added service providers in various countries, but this requires cooperation between governments of various economies, because such cross-border applications require effective coordination of standards, interests, etc.