Through Train is a network promotion method that uses self-service multi-dimensional keywords to display product information for free, attract potential buyers by exposing products in large quantities, and pay per click.

To put it simply: Through Train is to purchase VIP services for products, so that products can jump the queue when ranking, and directly jump to the top five. In two words: simple and rough.

How to operate Through Train? Suppliers bid on keywords that buyers may search for products. Buyers enter keywords to find related products. When the keyword appears in the product (including precise matching and extended matching, precise matching is “buyer search word = seller bid word”, such as customer search A+B, buyer bid word is also A+B; extended matching is “extended word = seller bid word”, such as customer search A+B, bid word is A+B+C), the supplier’s product ranking will be given priority.

To put it simply: when the keywords searched by customers appear in the title of the product (try to match them as closely as possible), the matching degree between the keywords and the product is very high (unless they are placed in the wrong category), and the star rating is more than two stars, the product can be ranked in the top five, and the price will be relatively low.