The difference between reviews from the Early Reviewer Program and “incentive” reviews

The biggest difference between reviews from the Early Reviewer Program and “incentive” reviews is the authenticity of the reviews. In the Early Reviewer Program, customers cannot enjoy discounts when purchasing products, nor do they realize that they may become Reviewers. All rewards occur after the purchase.

In addition, customers can get $1 to $3 Amazon gift certificates for writing reviews. This reward is not high, which is completely different from the “incentive” reviews that sellers previously offered in exchange for 90% discounts. After all, $1 to $3 (only available for consumption on Amazon) is not enough for customers to write product reviews against their will.

Eligibility for the Early Reviewer Program

Sellers participating in the Amazon Early Reviewer Program need to meet the following conditions.

·Registered US brands and successfully filed with Amazon (currently only the US site has started the trial, and other Amazon sites are waiting for notification).

·The number of product reviewers is less than 5, and the average order value is greater than $15.

·One ASIN can get 5 reviews, and variants can only add the parent ASIN.