How to determine whether Amazon products require classification review

On the Amazon platform, sellers need to know whether their products require classification review. There are several ways to help sellers determine their product category review needs.

1. Make a judgment based on the officially listed product categories

Judge based on Amazon’s official product categories that require review and do not require review. This is a direct way to determine whether a product requires review. Sellers can visit Amazon’s official website to check whether the products they sell fall into categories that require review.

2. Judgment through node classification selection

When creating a new product, sellers need to observe whether they can choose node classifications. If a product category is not listed in the options below, it may mean that the category is subject to review, is restricted, or a classification application is under review. Only after successfully passing the classification review can sellers be given the choice of node classification and be able to list products.

3. Check the follow-up button

It is also a practical method to test the follow-up button. Sellers can search for related similar products on the Amazon homepage and check the detail pages of these products. If you don’t see a “Sell on Amazon” or “Sell Yours” button, it usually means that the category needs to pass Amazon’s category review before it can be sold. On the contrary, if you see these buttons, this category does not require review.

Through the above three methods, sellers can effectively determine whether their products need to be classified and reviewed on Amazon to ensure that they comply with the platform’s sales regulations.