If the seller is shipping to an FBA warehouse, more attention should be paid to the packaging of the product. Sellers can read the packaging and shipment preparation requirements in the Amazon store backend. The key points are summarized here for your reference.

(1) For bulk products: Each product, including multi-piece book sets, must be individually and securely packaged. Amazon does not accept products that require Amazon to help assemble multiple parts.

(2) For products sold in sets: The package must be marked with a set mark. Add a label to the product that clearly indicates that the set product will be received and sold as one item. For example, “Sold in sets”, “Ready to ship” or “This is a set product, please do not separate.”

(3) For boxed products: It must be a hexagon and must have an opening or lid that cannot be easily opened by itself. If the box can be easily opened by itself, it must be closed with tape, glue or staples.

(4) For products packaged in plastic bags: Warning information is required. The warning information must be printed on the plastic bag or affixed to the plastic bag in the form of a label. There are also requirements for the size of the printed label.

(5) For products shipped in original packaging: Sellers must remove or cover all scannable barcodes on the shipping box. Only the products inside the box can have scannable barcodes.

(6) For product expiration dates: Products with expiration dates must be marked with the expiration date in size 36 or larger text on the large box, and the expiration date must be marked on individual products. Printing the batch number alone is not sufficient. Products with expiration dates that require additional preparation (such as glass jars or bottles) must be carefully packaged to ensure that Amazon can view the expiration date during receipt.