Q: When converting to FBA, you need to add an address in the “origin”. Should I fill in the Chinese address or the US address?

A: You can fill in the address on the business license or the actual warehouse address for delivery.

Q: Where is the FBA calculator?

A: The UK one is https://sellercentral-europe. amazon. com /gp /fba /revenue-calcula-tor/index, html/, or http://services, amazon. co. uk /services /fulfilment-by-amazon/pricing,htmlFBA, and the US one is https://sellercentral. amazon. com /hz /fba /profitabilitycal-culator?ndex? US.

The above is the FBA fee calculator. If you copy the product ASIN code, you will calculate the approximate FBA fee for your product, but it does not include the monthly FBA storage fee.

Q: When I convert to FBA, it prompts “Among the 1 selected items included in this request, there is 1 item that needs your attention”. What is going on? Do I need to click “Save” to continue?

A: No, you need to submit the information first and it can be sent to FBA after it is reviewed. Goods containing batteries need to upload battery information (such as MSDS).