Many Amazon sellers cannot distinguish between trademark registration, Amazon brand record and Amazon whitelist. What is the difference between the three? Let’s sort it out below:

1. Trademark registration

Apply for trademark protection in the local country. The R mark that has been registered and obtained the trademark registration certificate; the trademark that is being processed is the TM mark.

What can trademark registration bring to sellers?

1) On the Amazon platform: After the trademark is registered, sellers can obtain Amazon’s marketing support by applying for brand record (or TM standard record), including brand protection, tracking sales, and using a+ pages.

2) In the local country market: As long as the seller registers the brand, the seller’s brand will be fully protected locally, whether it is offline or any online platform.

2. Brand record

Enter the trademark that the seller applies for registration into Amazon. The scope of action on the Amazon platform can protect the brand, prevent the product from being tracked and sold, and increase the brand’s influence.

Amazon’s brand record can be used for R mark and TM mark.

What can brand record bring to sellers?

1) Prevent competitors from copying product listings or maliciously modifying listing content;

2) To increase sales, use product A+ pages, interface optimization tools or brand advertising;

3) With more skilled technology, brand registration support helps sellers correct problems on listings;

4) UPC product barcodes can be exempted;

5) Simplified procedures for reporting infringements.

3. Whitelist

Before registering a brand, take temporary measures to make new links. Sellers apply to Amazon for trademarks to be applied for or being applied for (TM standard). After passing, the trademark can be used for listing.

What can whitelisting bring to sellers?

Brand is a required item when uploading products to Amazon, but if you write nobranded, n/a…etc., it will affect the display effect on the front end, thereby affecting the conversion rate of listings.

If there is no brand registration, you can use brand whitelist for temporary emergency treatment. After the whitelist application is passed, you don’t need to write nobranded or n/a…etc.

What problems may arise with using a whitelist?

1) The brand whitelist is only temporary. If the seller does not actively register a trademark, it may fail. If sales are good, the seller will find that other bad sellers have not registered the trademark, then the trademark registration right may be robbed;

2) Before the real trademark registration and brand filing, they may be complained about infringement, resulting in the store being removed from the shelves or closed. Small brands infringe and the store suffers heavy losses! The lightest is the removal of products, and the heaviest is the closure and freezing of the store.

If sellers want to grow on Amazon, brand protection is essential! It is recommended that sellers register and complete their own brand filing as soon as possible!