In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of buyers and sellers on the platform, Amazon requires sellers to purchase product liability insurance and list Amazon as an additional insured if their sales reach $10,000 for three consecutive months. This can be regarded as the PLUS version of AZ claim protection. Although the seller’s operating costs have increased, Amazon will directly intervene in AZ claims and carry out relevant compensation operations, saving the time of both buyers and sellers and improving consumer satisfaction. Of course, Amazon will also combine its internal advanced anti-fraud and abuse detection system with external insurance experts to comprehensively analyze claims, identify the validity of claims, and protect the interests of sellers.

Recently, Amazon has adjusted this policy requirement, and the previous three-month compliance period has been shortened to one month. In other words, if the seller’s sales reach $10,000 within one month, they must purchase product liability insurance. Amazon will regularly track and review sales. Once the standard is met, it will remind sellers to complete the insurance coverage or renewal operations within 30 days and require the upload of relevant insurance certificates. Therefore, all sellers should be prepared in advance.