Video SEO Optimization

1) Title SEO

The length of the title is generally at least 20 to 30 characters. For example, if we want to rank Fashion Tutorial, the title can be set as “Fashion Tutorial: Lear How to Wear a Fanmy Pack.”

2) Video Description

The video description needs at least 260 characters. Pay attention to the core keywords in the front and pay attention to the density of keywords to ensure the natural logic of the content. Avoid stacking keywords on the entire screen.

3) Category Tags

The role of the tag is to let YOUTUBE and Google understand the content of your video and accurately include and improve the ranking. Generally, it is the precise keyword of the theme, and also includes other related phrases.

Finally, use other platforms to promote the video, such as Quora, find the topic posts related to the Listing keyword, answer the questioner’s questions carefully, and insert the YOUTUBE video at the end of the answer to achieve the purpose of continuous drainage. Of course, in addition to doing it yourself, sellers can also look for YOUTUBE influencers to collaborate on video shooting and promotion. There are related KOL influencer platform resources in the “Amazon Seller Navigation” for your reference.