Fix “No product information” errors

“No product information” errors mean that buyers can’t view your product on Amazon. You must fix your product listings before buyers can purchase your products. The following error message indicates that your item does not have a corresponding listing:

There is no listing for this in-stock item

The item is not in the catalog

There is no listing for this item FBA product information for in-stock items

We have determined that there is an issue with your account status and we need to troubleshoot it.

The “No product information” error is usually caused by incorrect uploaded data. If you use upload data and receive a lot of “No product information” errors, please confirm that your upload data is correct. For more information, see Bulk Listing of FBA Products.

You can also use the [Repair Amazon Inventory with No On-Sale Information] report to help resolve the “No Product Information” error. If the report is unavailable, it means you have no Amazon inventory that is not available for sale. For more information, see Fix an Amazon Inventory That Is Not For Sale.

If your uploaded data is correct and there is no Amazon inventory without on-sale information, you need to consider the following issues when receiving a “No product information” error:

Is your product in stock?

Is your product information accurate?

Is your product restricted or reserved?

Is the sales start date accurate?

Is your product a variation of another ASIN?

Are your account settings up to date?

Is your product for sale?

Your product may no longer be available for sale, or you may need to create a new listing.

On the Manage Inventory page, enter the product’s MSKU in the Search box and click Search.

If the status is Active, please go to the section titled “Is your product information inaccurate?”

If the status is [Not For Sale], review the comments in brackets to determine next steps. For example:

For items that are not for sale (blocked), review any communications you may have received to determine next steps.

Replenish inventory for items [not on sale (out of stock)].

For products [not on sale (discontinued)], click [Repost].

If you cannot find product information, please click the [Add New Product] button in the upper right corner of the page to create new product information. For more information, see Adding items one at a time.

Tip: Make sure the ASIN, seller SKU (MSKU), and condition match the items in your inventory. If there is a mismatch, the item will be re-added to your inventory list and the original item information will not be repaired.

Is your product information accurate?

If your product information is inaccurate, it may not be relevant to the products you send to the fulfillment center.

Do [Seller SKU] and [ASIN/ISBN] match the product that caused the error? If the Seller SKU, ASIN, or ISBN do not match, click the Add New Product button and create a new product with the same seller SKU as the product causing the error.

Is the item listed with a price ([your price + shipping])? If the price is missing, click Edit in the rightmost column of the inventory item you wish to modify. In the Your Price field, enter your price and click Save and Done.

Is the condition the same as that of the item that caused the error? If the condition is different, please click “Add another condition” in the rightmost column of the inventory item you wish to modify. Edit the status and click [Save and Complete].

Is the [Order Shipping Party] column of this product set to [Amazon]? If the column is set to Seller, select the item’s product information and click Convert to Fulfilled by Amazon on the Perform actions on selected items menu.

If you answered “yes” to all of the above questions, go to the section titled “Is your product restricted or reserved?”

Is your product restricted or reserved?

Amazon regularly reviews listings and occasionally removes listings due to product restrictions, sales restrictions, or duplicate detail pages, and then emails sellers notifying sellers of these changes.

Check your email to see if you have received any communications from Amazon related to this item.

If you do not receive any communication, please go to the section titled “Is the sale start date accurate?”

If you receive communications related to this item, please follow the instructions you receive.

Is the sales start date accurate?

If you set the Sales Start Date to a date in the future, the items will not be available for sale on Amazon until that date.

On the [Manage Inventory] page, click [Edit] in the rightmost column of the inventory item you want to modify. Find the [Start Sales Date] field.

If the Sales Start Date field is empty or is in the past, go to the section titled “Is your product a variation of another ASIN?”

If the date in the [On sale date] field is a date in the future, delete the date and click [Save and Complete].

Is your product a variation of another ASIN?

You can create variations of a parent ASIN. For example, T-shirts may come in different sizes and colors. T-shirt is the parent ASIN, and the listings in different sizes and colors are product variations, also known as child ASINs. If the parent/child ASIN relationship is incorrect, this may result in a “No product information” error.

For more information about parent/child relationships, see About parent/child relationships.

In the All Inventory Overview, click on the product’s ASIN/ISBN.

If there are no color and/or size options, go to the section titled “Are your account settings up to date?”

If there are color and/or size options, your product is a variation of another ASIN. Select the color and/or size of the items you offer. Scroll down the page, then select and copy (Ctrl+C) this product’s ASIN.

In the All Inventory Overview, paste the ASIN you copied into the Search box and click Search.

On the left side of the page, click [All Inventory]. In the [Status] column, search for [Parent Variant].

If Parent Variation appears in the Status column, go to the section titled “Are your account settings up to date?”

If [Parent Variation] does not appear in the [Status] column, please click the [Add New Product] button, paste the ASIN you copied into the [Find this product on Amazon] search box, and then click 【search】. Click [Sell Your Products] to create new product information using the correct parent/child relationship.

Are your account settings up to date?

If all the items in your inventory show a “No product information” error, there may be a problem with your account. Check your account settings and make sure:

You have entered the tax information for your account. For more information, see Amazon Tax Calculation Service.

Your selling privileges have not been suspended or revoked. For more information, see Appealing a restriction or removal of selling access.

Original details from Amazon’s official website:

Fix a "no listing" error

A "no listing" error means that your listing cannot be viewed on Amazon. The listing must be fixed to make your product available for purchase.

The following error messages indicate that a listing is not available for your product:

No listing exists for this inventory item

Item not in catalog

No Amazon-fulfilled listing exists for this inventory item

We have identified an issue with your account status that requires troubleshooting.

" No listing" errors are often the result of incorrect feeds. If you use feeds and have received a large number of "no listing" errors, confirm that your feed is correct. For more information, seeList FBA products in bulk.

You can also use theFix Stranded Inventoryreport to help resolve "no listing" errors. If the report is not available, you do not have stranded inventory. For more information, seeFix stranded inventory.

If your feed is correct and your inventory is not stranded, the questions to consider when you receive a "no listing" error are:

Is your listing active?

Is your listing accurate?

Is your product restricted or reserved?

Is the start selling date accurate?

Is your product a variation of another ASIN?

Are your account settings current?

Is your listing active?

Your listing may be inactive or you may need to create a new listing.

On theManage Inventorypage, type the product MSKU in theSearchbox, and click "Search".

If the status isActive, continue to the section entitled "Is your listing inaccurate."

If the status isInactive, review the note in parentheses to determine next steps. For example:

ForInactive (Blocked)items, review any communication you may have received for next steps.

ForInactive (Out of Stock)items , replenish your inventory.

ForInactive (Closed)items, clickRelist.

If you can’t find the listing, click theAdd a productbutton at the top right corner of the page and create a new listing. For more information, seeAdd One Product at a Time.

Tip:Make sure that the ASIN, merchant SKU (MSKU), and condition match the items in your inventory. If they don& #39;t match, a second item will be added to your inventory list, and the first listing will not be fixed.

Is your listing accurate?

If your listing is not accurate, it may not be associated with the product that you have sent to the fulfillment center.

Are theMerchant SKUandASIN/ISBN the same as the product causing the error? If theMerchant SKU,ASIN, orISBNdon't match, click theAdd a productbutton and create a new listing with the same merchant SKU as the product causing the error.

Is a price listed for the product (Your Price + Shipping)? If the price is missing, clickEditin the far right column of the inventory listing that you want to modify. In theYour Pricefield, type the price, and then clickSave and finish.

Is the condition the same as the product causing the error? If the condition is different, clickAdd another conditionin the far right column of the inventory listing that you want to modify. Edit the condition, and then clickSave and finish.

Is theFulfilled bycolumn set toAmazonfor that product? If it is set toMerchant, select the listing for that product and, on theAction on selectedmenu, clickChange to Fulfilled by Amazon.

If you answered Yes to all of the above, continue to the section entitled "Is your product restricted or reserved."

Is your product restricted or reserved?

Amazon regularly reviews and occasionally removes product listings as a result of product restrictions, selling restrictions, or finding duplicate detail pages, and then sends an email regarding these changes.

Check your email to see if you have received any communications from Amazon regarding this product.

If you have not received any communication, continue to the section entitledIs the Start selling date accurate.

If you have received communication regarding this product, follow the instructions you received.

Is the Start selling date accurate?

If you set aStart selling date that is in the future, Amazon will not make those products available for sale until that date.

On theManage Inventorypage, clickEditin the far right column of the inventory listing that you want to modify. Locate theStart selling datefield.

If theStart selling datefield is blank or if the date occurs in the past, continue to the section entitledIs your product a variation of another ASIN.

If theStart selling datefield is in the future, delete the date and clickSave and finish.

Is your product a variation of another ASIN?

You can create variations on a parent ASIN. For example, a T-shirt may be available in different sizes and colors. The T-shirt is the parent ASIN, and the listings for different sizes and colors are the product variations, also called child ASINs. If the parent-child ASIN relationship is incorrect, it may cause a "no listing" error.

For more information about parent-child relationships, seeCreating Parent-Child Variation Relationships.

InAll Inventory view, click theASIN/ISBN for the product.

If there are no color and/or size options, continue to the section entitled "Are your account settings current."

If there are color and/or size options, your listing is a variation of another ASIN. Select the color and/or size of the product that you are offering. Scroll down the page and select and copy (Ctrl+C) the ASIN for this listing.

InAll Inventory view, paste the ASIN that you copied into theSearchbox and clickSearch.

< p>On the left side of the page, clickAll Inventory. In theStatuscolumn, look forVariation Parent.

IfVariation Parentappears in theStatuscolumn, continue to the section entitled "Are your account settings current."

IfVariation Parentdoes not appear in theStatuscolumn, click theAdd a productbutton, paste the ASIN that you copied into theFind it on Amazonsearch box and clickSearch. ClickSell yoursto create a new listing with the correct parent-child relationship.

Are your account settings current?

If every item in your inventory is displaying a "no listing" error, there may be an issue with your account. Check your account settings and make sure that:

You have entered the tax information for your account. For more information, seeTax Collection Services.

Your selling privileges have not been suspended or removed.For more information, seeAppeal the removal of selling privileges.

< p>Article source: Amazon official website