The wish platform has strict regulations on the sale of counterfeit goods. According to the platform rules, the sale of counterfeit goods on the platform is prohibited. So is there a fine for selling counterfeit goods on Wish? This will be introduced in detail below.

If a seller sells counterfeit goods on the wish platform, the platform will deal with the seller, which mainly includes removing the product from the shelves and punishing the seller. If the goods purchased by consumers are counterfeit, the platform will also provide refunds or compensation to protect the rights and interests of consumers. According to relevant laws and regulations, selling counterfeit goods is an infringement of intellectual property rights, and infringers will face the risk of fines or legal proceedings. If the platform discovers that a seller is selling counterfeit goods, it may be reported to the intellectual property agency, and the seller will face the risk of fines and prosecution.

Wish counterfeits will be fined. The Wish platform strictly prohibits the sale or imitation of products with intellectual property rights. If the products listed by the seller are counterfeit, the platform will generally remove the products and fine the seller’s account. Serious Sales may also be suspended. Sellers need to note that product images and copywriting must not infringe intellectual property rights. If the seller’s products are not counterfeit or infringe on intellectual property rights, the seller is obliged to provide corresponding evidence to the platform, and the seller cannot provide inaccurate or misleading authorization certificates.

The wish platform will review all listed products to determine whether the product is counterfeit or infringes on intellectual property rights. After the seller modifies the name, picture and text of the product, it will be reviewed again to check the product. Whether there is inferiority, forgery or infringement. If the seller commits counterfeiting and infringement, he or she will generally be fined $100 and the paid amount will be withheld. The seller’s products can be sold normally during the review period, but if illegal imitations appear after the review, the seller may be fined and the product will be deleted.

The fines for counterfeit products on Wish have been introduced in detail in the above content. Selling counterfeit products is an infringement of other people’s intellectual property rights. The Wish platform is relatively strict in this regard, so sellers on the platform need to carefully screen the authenticity of the products on the shelves. Counterfeiting, ensuring that suppliers are regular and strengthening after-sales service can avoid the risk of selling counterfeit products.