In recent years, more and more sellers have entered the Wish platform. Sellers who violate regulations during store operation will generally be fined by the platform. So can Wish abandon a store without paying a fine? This will be introduced in detail below.

You cannot abandon a Wish store without paying a fine. Failure to pay a Wish fine will generally cause the seller’s store reputation to be adversely affected, which will have a negative impact on the seller’s subsequent store operations. If a seller receives a fine notice from the platform and needs to pay the fine in time, he or she is generally not allowed to abandon the store. If the seller does not pay the fine but directly abandons the store, it will have a negative impact on the seller’s reputation, and the seller will no longer be able to register a store on the platform. However, if the seller has objections to the fine, he or she can also appeal directly to the platform.

Before filing a complaint, sellers need to first understand the relevant rules of the platform to ensure that their products comply with relevant policies and regulations. After understanding the rules in detail, they can go to the “Penalty Details” page of the violation to apply for violations and related fines. File a complaint. The seller needs to provide detailed supporting materials according to the prompts on the appeal page. The wish platform will generally review it within 5-7 working days. At this time, the seller’s violation interface will display “Appeal Submitted”, just wait patiently. Sellers need to note that the content of the complaint must comply with the platform’s regulations, and complaints cannot be made at will. If you abuse the complaint, you may be fined and have a negative impact on the store.

If the seller’s first appeal is rejected, he will need to appeal again after two days. Moreover, it is necessary to clarify the specific reasons for the failure of the first appeal. If the information is incomplete, you need to prepare all the information before appealing again, so that it will be easier to pass the review.

Sellers need to pay attention to the following points when appealing:

1. Sellers need to clarify the specific reasons for being fined and understand the root cause of the problem.

2. The seller needs to self-reflect and explain in detail the root cause of the problem and the measures that will be taken.

3. Finally, the seller needs to ensure that similar mistakes will not be made again.

The above content has introduced in detail whether Wish stores can be abandoned without paying fines. After receiving the fine notice, sellers need to clarify the specific reasons for the fine. If it is indeed the fault of the seller, the fine needs to be paid promptly. If it is a misjudgment, you can submit an appeal to the platform.