In the process of operating a store, wish sellers sometimes receive notices of violation fines. At this time, sellers need to pay the fines in a timely manner. So what will happen if the wish fine is not applied? This will be introduced in detail below.

Generally, after a seller receives a fine notice from the Wish platform, the platform will deduct the fine fee directly from the seller’s account. When Wish fines are collected, the platform will generally calculate all the fees, advances and fines that the seller needs to pay based on the US dollar and the local currency specified in the account payment settings.

Failure to repay wish fines will generally cause the seller’s store reputation to be adversely affected, which will have a negative impact on the seller’s subsequent store operations. However, if the seller has objections to the fine, he or she can also appeal directly to the platform.

Under normal circumstances, after the seller receives the fine notice, the fine will be deducted directly from the account. Wish has clear fine regulations for imitation products and other infringing products. Generally, the historical transaction records of the infringing products will be deducted. All amounts, and for new orders that have shipped the goods and filled in the logistics tracking number, the amount of these orders will also be deducted by the Wish platform. At this time, the platform will not consider whether the buyer has confirmed the receipt of the goods.

If the seller’s account balance is negative or the seller’s store is a new store, it is handled in the same way. If the seller’s account balance is less than or equal to 0, the Wish platform will generally wait until the amount appears in the account before directly deducting the fine. The seller can leave a sufficient balance in the account to avoid the problem of delayed deductions.

If the seller discovers that the violation is a misjudgment by the platform, he or she can appeal directly to the platform. Generally, sellers need to appeal within 3 working days after the order cancellation penalty is generated. Sellers need to check the penalty order in a timely manner and then appeal within the time specified by the platform based on the specific date of the order.

The above content has introduced in detail the non-repayment of Wish fines. Sellers must abide by the relevant rules of the platform during store operation. To avoid being fined for violations. If a seller is fined, there is generally no need to actively pay the fine. The platform will automatically deduct the fine. The seller only needs to ensure that the account balance is sufficient.