After passing the real-name authentication review, we need to take an exam. Only if you pass the exam can you open a store. This exam is to allow new sellers to become familiar with and understand “AliExpress” as soon as possible. The exam content includes “AliExpress” and its operations. Basic understanding of the platform, how to launch a complete product, understanding and operation of international logistics, how to do marketing on the “AliExpress” platform, how to improve stores through data understanding, and the contents of the six modules of the “AliExpress” platform rules, the exam is not By limiting the time, we can take the exam slowly and not in a hurry. The full score is 100 points, and we must reach 90 points to pass the exam. So how to take the exam?

This page can only be seen after the certificate information we submitted is passed. Once passed, we can take the exam. Now we click “Take the exam now” to enter the exam page. Just fill in the correct answers according to the questions. I have seen many novice friends fail to pass the exam for several days. In order to help everyone pass the exam smoothly, I have summarized and compiled the question bank of the “AliExpress” exam. The website is -1-2.html, you can study and prepare for the exam based on this question bank. If you just want to know the answer to a certain question, we only need to click the Ctrl+F keys on the keyboard to pop up the search function. When we want to pass the exam, we just go to this webpage to study the questions in the “AliExpress” exam system. It is very convenient and fast. After passing the exam, you can see how many points you got. After passing the exam, click “Enter My AliExpress” to start our “AliExpress” journey.