What is the late confirmed fulfillment rate policy?
Merchants with very high late confirmed fulfillment rates are at risk of being banned. The majority of merchants on Wish have very low late confirmed fulfillment rates; this policy is designed to target the small number of merchants that have high late confirmed fulfillment rates.
“Late Confirmed Fulfillment Rateis calculated as the number of orders confirmed fulfilled late divided by the number of orders with valid tracking for that week. An order is considered to be confirmed fulfilled late if the time period from when the order was placed to when the first carrier scan was recorded is longer than five days.
To view your late confirmed fulfillment rate, please visit this page:
To help improve your late confirmed fulfillment rate, please follow these steps:
1.Ship your orders as soon as possible. Giving customers updates on their orders' tracking information is crucial to customer You can view the performance of various shipping providers here:https://merchant.wish.com/shipping-dest-performance#tab=global
3.If you need help understanding your performance or choosing a shipping carrier, please reach out to your BD representative.
Examples of how the policy works:
1.For a one week period, the merchant has 10 orders with valid tracking and all 10 of the orders are confirmed shipped within five days. The merchant will not be penalized.
2.For a one week period, the merchant has 10 orders with valid tracking and none of the orders are confirmed shipped within five days. The merchant is at risk of suspension from Wish.
3. For a one week period, the merchant has 10 orders with valid tracking and only two of the orders are confirmed shipped within five days. The merchant is at risk of suspension from Wish.